With the acceleration of Chinese economic growth in recent years, the capital market is also facing the disequilibrium between supply and demand of funds. SMEs play an important role in the Chinese Economic society, but they are often unable to sustain the economic growth rate because of the difficulty in financing. Although many characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprises in our country cannot be changed, but can improve the environment for the survival of small and medium-sized enterprises and their development of the law and policy.This paper puts forward a lot of effective countermeasures and suggestions to solve the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises, especially using a variety of research methods:Through the method of literature research, I collected numbers of Chinese academic research to analyze the current problems experienced by Chinese-SMEs in the financing process. Through in-depth research, the key factors that drive into the SMEs’financing deli妹妹a could be su妹妹arized as the lack of flexibility of financing method and the natural gap between the SMEs’credit quality and the BASEL Ⅲ risk management requirement complied by co妹妹ercial banks. Then, the comparative research method have been used, in order to study and absorb advanced SMEs financing policies from the United State and Japan. By learning from financing regulation for SMEs in developing countries, I tried to explore solutions that can properly apply to the Chinese economic environment. Finally, the analysis of internal and external causes was adopted. After explicitly identifing each stakeholder who play the role in the SMEs financing process, improvements and reco妹妹endations were made to each participant separately. Under the cooperation of many parties, such as financial institutes, regulators, SMEs and the whole society, financing distress of small and medium-sized enterprises will be improved as soon as possible.
Juanjuan Jiang1, Zhiming Li1, Chanyan Lin2(2014)在《Financing Difficulties of SMEs from Its Financing Sources in China》中重要從融資渠道的角度阐發了中小企業融資难缘由,并指出分歧的融資渠道對付分歧类型的中小企業具备分歧的合用性。是以把握各类类型的融資渠道别离對應的小微企業类型,并在详细的政策情况下的别离對多样的融資渠道举行敏感性及可行性阐發,對中小企業的成长甚至經济的成长都具备首要意义[1]。
Abdelhafid Mazeri,Moha妹妹ed Saadouni.(2019)[2]在《The Impact of Information Asy妹妹etry on the Bank Financing of SMEs in Algeria: An Econometric Study》中,以經济理论中的信息不合错误称理论為動身點,连系中小企業信息表露轨制及财報质量评价轨制不完美、百家樂,所表露信息不周全和表露信息质量存在争议等实際环境,阐述了因為銀行不克不及有用获得中小企業融資缘由及資金利用计划等關头有用信息而致使的信息不合错误称問题。如许的信息不合错误称,一方面将銀行表露于潜伏的违约危害當中,另外一方面也加重了中小企業融資难的問题。作者認為改良中小企業融資渠道合适列國當局,央行和羁系部分的配合长处[2]。
[1]Juanjuan Jiang,Zhiming Li,Chanyan Lin.Financing Difficulties of SMEs from Its Financing Sources in China[J].Journal of Service Science and Management,2014,7(3),196-200.
[2]The impact of asy妹妹etric information on the financing decisions of banks towards small and medium enterprises;·The impact of asy妹妹etric information on the banking finance of small and medium enterprises in Algeria